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I solve hard technical and architectural problems and train teams to solve them

Companies I helped

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1. Technical guidance of contractors.

2. Increased code coverage from 0 to 80%, introduced integration testing.

3. Redesigned core part of a system to make it more testable, extensible and maintainable.

4. Made the system consistent and removed concurrency issues.

5. Improved a performance of the most popular use cases in 3 times.

6. Final vote on choosing technical approaches.

Development environment:

IBM Java (J9), Eclipse IDE, Eclipse RCP, Eclipse Equinox, OSGI, RTC, REST, Apache Jena, JUnit.


1. Root cause analysis of performance and stability issues in OneSourceTax product.

2. Created a plan for improvements and drove it till completion.

3. Defined data management strategy.

Development environment:

AWS (Lambda, EC2, S3, RDS, PostgreSQL, SQS, SNS, StepFunctions), DataDog, LucidChart, Go, pgbench, sysbench.


1. Assessed MVP version of a system to distribute clothes between its stores.

2. Brought MVP to fully functional and production ready service.

3. Fixed core issues in system architecture.

4. Improved security, scalability, availability, resilience and performance.

Development environment:

LucidChart, Java, OpenShift, MongoDB, JMeter, InfluxDB, Grafana, Graylog.


Created a high level architecture of OneFront and estimated implementation effort for it for a tender. The client liked it and moved further with me.

Development environment:

Private Cloud, LucidChart.


1. Created a plan to solve quality issues in one SaaS product including creation of standards and acceptance criteria.

2. Lead an acceptance of the plan from stakeholders, provided constant assistance during plan implementation.

3. Acted as a technical expert in that product.

4. Acted as a security expert in all products.

5. Migrated Jenkins based CI builds for a core project to CD pipeline including cleaning ineffective solutions and adapting to new project requirements.

Development environment:

SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry, Java, Jenkins, Docker.


1. Identified bottlenecks and created a plan of improvements.

2. Removed redundancy from development process.

3. Introduced measuring performance of a team and individual contributors.

4. Fixed broken Continuous Delivery pipeline for several services.

5. Provided technical guidance for introducing support of US market.

Development environment:

AWS, Docker, Java, Spring, Netflix OSS, Jenkins, Microservices.


1. Implemented the most complex and critical tasks for several projects. Customers had been waiting for 2+ years for completion of some of them.

2. Organised delivery process from resource and product perspective for lack of resource and product management for several projects.

3. Guarded high technical quality in products.

Development environment:

Java, Spring, Apache Struts, JUnit, Postgresql, Apache Kafka, Jenkins, Docker, Maven, Intellij Idea.


Designed and implemented a core part of A/B testing system for Upwork platform.

Development environment:

Java, Dropwizard, AWS(EC2, DynamoDB, Redshift), Netflix OSS (Eureka, Hystrix, EVCache), Docker, Elastic Kibana, Grafana, REST, JUnit, PITest, Intellij Idea, Microservices.


1. Lead several teams of 3 software engineers and QAs.

2. Final vote on choosing technical and organisational approaches.

3. Implemented core parts of payments framework that is used by top 60 banks in the world.

4. Created a system for automated functional testing of online banking that made hundreds of manual QAs redundant.

5. Lead migration from .Net to Java stack for office employees including organising trainings and workshops.

6. Interviewed core people for a new office.

Development environment:

Java, Perl, Groovy, Oracle, Maven, Sonar, Bamboo, JUnit, Selenium, JMockit, Jira, Intellij Idea IDE, Eclipse IDE, Netbeans IDE, Linux (Red Hat).


1. Extracted architecture vision from heads and visualised it for 7 products.

2. Recommended improvements for 7 products.

3. Designed notifications platform from scratch that sends messages to 12+ millions of passengers.

4. Technical guidance for all products in the company and child companies.

5. Organised and lead learning activities to fill gaps in architecture skills in development teams.

6. Assisted with root cause analysis for the most sophisticated issues happening in the company daily.

Development environment:

Kubernetes, Kafka, Apache Airflow, Java, PostgreSQL, Redis, RedisGraph, ElasticSearch, Hazelcast, MongoDB, LucidChart.


1. Made the most important technical decisions in data driven way in child companies with a portfolio of hundreds of products (including Jive, FogBugz, Sococo, BiznessApps, Engine Yard, Kayako, CloudFix).

2. Technical due diligence during pre-acquisitions.

3. Architecture governance for all products.

4. Simplified overgrown products dramatically by concentrating on core value.

5. Saved millions with cost optimisations in AWS infrastructure practising FinOps.


1. Designed a system that provides a quick search over 2 PBs of genomic variants and analyses.

2. Lead MVP implementation.

3. Resulting system will decrease the price of genetic analysis by 30%.

4. Designed system provisioning in both US and China AWS regions.

Development environment:

AWS (EC2, RDS, ElasticSearch, CloudWatch, S3, CloudFormation), Terraform, Java, LucidChart, Gatling, GitLab, Jenkins.

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Where are you located?

I live in Georgia and work remotely. I'm open to onsite collaboration too.

What is a price of your services?

It depends on the value I can deliver to your business.

Do you work on hourly basis or per project?

Generally I work per project, in exceptional cases I can work on hourly basis.

Do you work only with enterprise customers?

No, I work with everybody including startups.

Do you specialise on a concrete technical and business field?

No, I'm open to all fields.

Do you provide services as individual contributor or as an organisation?

Generally as individual contributor. In exceptional cases I can form a team for a project.

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